Tuesday, June 27th 2017 - [501]Final Battle Adventure Family Night Online (2 of 10)
Happy Kitty Face
Family Time
Stage Zero
No...just no


06.26.2017 - Terrence Marks:
Happy 500th comic, everyone! We almost had a false alarm last week, but we moved a few sketches over to the sketch archive. I'm really happy with what we've done with the comic so far and I look forward to the next 500 comics. We hope you've liked it so far and thank you for reading!

Also, Thomas Dye, who does Newshounds drew us Brisbane and Kimberly! Newshounds was one of my favorite comics back when I started doing webcomics, and it still is. If you're not reading it, you should be.

Nicole and Derek is © Terrence and Isabel Marks, 2016. Nicole and Derek usually updates Tuesday and Friday at around midnight PST.