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...what.1100 Percent Dog113igDerek15
20th Anniversary15-a-Day190's Reference1
A Parent Knows1A Plan In The Making1Accidental1
Acquired Taste1Adorable1Adrian197
Adrian's Butt Monkey Moments1Adrianneston7Advice13
Amoeba X-ing7Amused2Amy Rose3
Anabelle1Angelic Layer2anger3
Angry130Angry Mob1Angy1
Anime Logic1Anime reference21Anna20
Antimacassar5Apology2Apology Fail1
April Fool’s1April Fools1Arguing1
Argument3Ask a Character62Ask a Stupid Question1
Ask The Cast1Asking for Trouble1Assertive1
Assumption2Attack1Aunty Joy1
Aversion2Avery230avery pie asks1
Avery's View1Averyvision1avoid plan B1
Aw Yeah Shakespeare1Awake1Awkward6
Awkward Moment1Aww2Baby Nicole1
Back In Business1Back to Business2Back to Reality1
Backfire5Backstory1Bad Advice1
Bad day1Bad Luck1Bad Poker Face1
Bail1Bailed Out1Ballsy1
Banter2Bargaining1Basic Math1
Battle of Wills1Be Nice1Bed23
Beer1Berney11Best Laid Plan1
Best Laid Plans1Bickering1Bill Holbrook1
Bizarre Parenting1Blanket1BLOCKHEAD!1
Blue Money2Blue Mouse1Bluff1
Boobs! The Anime1Booze1Boxes1
Brants and the Bees1Breach of Protocal1Break In1
Breaking Point1Breakup1Bribe1
Bribery3Brick joke1Brickjoke1
Brisbane18Brotherly Advice6Bug Bomb1
Bunny Slime2Burger Barn1Bushes1
Business1Business Agreement2Business Date2
Business Decision2Business Sense6Cafe & Books1
Cafe and Books15Cake Flavored Cake4cake-flavored cake1
Called Out1Cameo2Cameo outfit1
Captain Derek!1Car1Careless1
Caring1Cash In1Cassandra183
Cassie1Cat Stuck In a Tree2Caught5
Cedric1Cell Phone1Cerise33
Cerise Sass1Character Building2Character Development3
Character Sketch6Charles34Chase1
Cheap Shot1Cheers1Cheshire Smile2
Chicken and Egg1Chip-Ums1Christmas15
Christmas Tree1Chuck Norris1Classic1
clean lines1Clean Up1Clever Girl1
Close Enough For Jazz1Clueless14Coach Mells1
Coffee3Cold Reading1Collision1
Comeback1Comedic Timing1Commission1
Common Sense4Complicated2Concern8
confused17Confusion1Conning the Con-Artist2
Conspiracy Board1Cookies1Correcting Posters1
Couple4Courage3Cover Up1
Crappy Cryptic Advice1Crazy Eyes1Credit12
Cute8Cuteness Personified4Cutting Your Losses1
Death by Tipper1Death Glare1Deja Vu4
Destined Meeting1Destruction1Determination3
Determined1Devious plan1Devlin2
Dick move man1Dilemma2Dimension 7A1
Dimension N241Dirty Mind1Disappearing Act1
Distraction1Do No Evil1Do The Math1
Doctor Cutter1Dodging a Bullet1Dodging the Subject1
Dog with a Doggy Bag1Doing Something Stupid1Doll1
dollar1Don't Call Me Sherly1Don't mess with the time space continuum1
Don't Scare The Customers1Doony's7Dorpe Flowers Plus1
Drama1Dramatic Entrance!1Draw Agro1
Dress1Dressed to Impress2Dressed Up1
Drool1Drop The Shovel4Drunk2
DS1Duke25Duke Reasoning1
Embarrassed8Emergency Exit5Emergency Texting1
Entered On the Wrong Cue1Envy1Escape2
Escape Plan10ESCAPE!8Eternal Justice!1
Evil Plan48Evilish Plan1EW2
Eye Patch1Eye-patch5Face Palm3
Facepalm5Fake Out1Falco10
Family Connection1Family Photo1Family Portrait2
Family Resemblance1Family Time2Family Weirdness1
Famous Last Words1Fan Fiction1Fanart1
Fanfic1fantasizing1Faux Pas2
Fear the Beard1Fear The Twix Beard1Feeling Old1
Fight3Final Battle Adventure On-line4Final Form Shelby1
Fire Bert Whiskey1First Impressions1Flashback2
Flaw in the Plan2Flawed Logic1Floating Heart3
Flower Background1Fluffed Tail2Fluffster1
Fluffy the Dreaded4Flustered2FLY YOU FOOLS1
Foiled Again1Food Nap Time1Foreshadowing1
Forever Alone1Forgetful1Found The One1
Frazzled3Freak Out1Freaking Out1
Free Time1Fridge Raider1Friendly Fire1
Friendship3Friendship is Awesome!1Frustration4
Fun1Fun Raiser1Gabby1
GAH TEETH!1Game of Thongs2gaming2
Gas1Get a Room1Get Rich Quick Scheme14
Get Your Mind Out Of The Gutter1Giant Spider Toy1Gibberish1
Giggle1Giving In1Gluttony1
Go Against the Flow2Gobi Dessert11Going Straight to Youtube1
Gokusen2Good Boy Trophy1Good Friends1
Good Luck1Good Points of Tipper O'Donnel1Grilled1
Grossed Out2Grounded1Grover Hills1
Growing up1Grumpy4Guts1
Happy28Happy Canine Tail1Happy Holidays From N&D1
Happy Kitty Face3Happy New Year3Hard Drivemageddon1
He has a point1He's Not Joking1Headache1
Heartbreak1Heartwarming4Heavy Sigh3
Heavy Words1hedgehog1Heidi3
Hell Hath No Fury3Hell Hath No Fury...4Help2
Her little world just got rocked9Here I Come to Save the Day!1Hesitation2
HIM1Hinting1Hippedown Currency2
Hold My Drink1Holiday2Holiday Jumper1
Hopeless1Horrible Timing1Horrifying1
Horror Incarnate1Hostile Takeover1Hoy1
Husky1Husky Girl and The Man1Hypocrisy1
I Can Explain1I Can't Believe That Worked1I Don't Think That Means What You Think It Means2
I don?t think it means what you think it means1I heart GMs1I Will Shank You1
I'd Ship It1Ice Pack1If you can't say something nice...2
Ignored1Illogical Logic1Ily the Otter1
Incoming Karma1inevitability1Informant1
Inner Reflections1Innuendo1Insightful3
Instagram1Interesting1Internet Troubles1
It Happened Around Namir Deiter 13873It's A Rental1It's a trap!1
It's Complicated1It's Cosplay1It's not that kind of party1
Jack8Japanese Television Reference2Jaws Theme1
Jump Scare2Just Business1justkissalready1
Keeping Secrets1Kevin9Kharma1
Kill La Kill5Kimberly25Kindness3
King Bunny Slime2Kiss7Knights & Things1
Lack of Tact1Lady Wawa1Last Minute2
Last Minute Wrapping Rage1Laugh1Leaving in a Huff1
LEERO JEEEENNNNKINS1Leftovers1Legal mumbo jumbo1
Leopard Print Leopard1Lesser of Two Evils1Letter Jacket1
Level Up1Liar4Library1
Lies like a Rug1Life Lessons1Like Aunt Like Niece1
like daughter.1Like mother1Like Mother Like Daughter3
Litter1Little Red Dress1Lizardmen1
Logic18Logic to the Illogical1Logic vs Emotion3
Long Con1Longshot Fail1Loophole1
Lose the Battle1Love2Lucky 7771
Magic Rectangles1magic room1Magical Girl Favors1
Magical Girl Plan5Magical Girl Pose1Magical Girls Assemble1
Magical princess Shelby18Magical Rectangles26Magical Rectangles Disruption10
MagicFairyPrincess8major time skip1Mall2
Man Stuff1Manga Reference1Martial Arts1
Marvel Os1Marvel-O’s1Master Manipulator1
Mastermind Derek6Math Club3Math is Okay1
Matt6May the 4th1Meanwhile2
Meddling Parents1Megan Smith1Memes1
Mess1Meta1Method Acting2
Mew1Microwave gods?1Mike Burgerbarn4
Mind Reading1Miscommunication1Miss Fluffy206
Missed Opportunity2missing the point2Mistletoe1
Misunderestanding1Misunderstanding9Miya Mew2
Miya Mew with Summer uniform4Mold-Breaker1Money1
Montoya1361Mooch1Mood Swings1
More Than Ever!1More to life1Mostly Harmless1
Moving Folders1Mr Miller1Mr. Adams5
Mrs Rockwell2Mrs. Adams2Mrs. Namir2
Mrs. Rockwell11Ms Caley1Ms Rockwell7
Ms. Caley22Ms. Rockwell6Ms. Telford1
Mug Conspiracy4Mutually Assured Destruction2Mystery1
Mystic Rectangles2N&D Asks69n00b6
namir1Namir Deiter Callback1Nat1
Negotiation1Negotiations1Negotiator Nicole1
Nervous8New Character20New Charater1
Nicole454Nicole moment1Nina1
No Free Lunch1No Good Can Come Of This1No Good Reason1
No he doesn't1No Refunds1No...just no1
Nom1Noob1Noob Zone1
Nosy Parent1Not Going to Plan1Not Impressed2
Not Listening1Not quite revenge1Not That Kind Of Information1
Not that!1Not the Library1Notes1
Now he gets it.1O'Donnell2Oblivious1
Obsessive1Ode to Joy1Office assistant1
OH GOD...1Oh no.1On Principle1
One Hair Away1one of THOSE nights2One Step At A Time1
Open Mouth Insert Foot2Optimism5Order1
OUCH!3Ouran High School Host Club1Outburst1
Pancakes Revenge1Panel 31Panel Bleed3
Parting Shot1Partnership1path1
Paths within Paths5PDA3Peanut Gallery1
Penguin Poster1Perceptive1Philosophical1
Pho1Pho It Up!4phone1
Pictures1Pirate2Pirates Ahoy!2
Plan3Plan Fail7Planning1
Play Nice1Playing Hard To Get1Pleased1
Pocky1Point2Point to Derek1
Pokemon3Pokemon Card1Pokemon Go1
Poofed Tail2Poor planning1Poor Unfortunate Souls1
Post Office3Poster1Praise the Beard1
Princess Jellyfish1Princess Shelby Moment15Principal Telford1
pro-wrestling1Probability for Failure1Problem Solved1
Problem Solver1Procrastination4Professional Wrestling2
Progression of Anger1Proud1Punishment1
Purple Cat2Purple Rabbit2PvP1
Rain1Rattled1Raw Deal1
Read or Get Rad!1Read or Get Read!1Realization7
Realm of Lunacy1Reasoning2Rectangle JuJu1
Rejected3rejection1Relationship Advice1
Relationship Talks2Relief1Research1
Return of the Hoy1Revelation2Revenge2
Reverse Psychology1Ribbons1rick astley outfit1
Ricky34Right Hook1Right Jab1
Robe1Rockwell1Rogue Agent1
Romance1Romance is Dead1Roped in1
Run Away2RUN!1Sad29
Sankarea Cosplay1Santa Suit1Sarcasm1
Sass1Sassy Tipper.1Savior2
Savy2Say Nothing1Scalawag in Crime1
Scout Out1Sea Dreams Reference3Self-Righteous1
Serious1Settling Debts1Sharp Dressed Man1
She Speaks1She's her mother's daughter alright1Shelby265
Shelby Moment75Shelby's Magic Throne1Shelby's Magical Throne1
Ship It Like Fed Ex6Shipping Like Fed Ex1Shock25
Shocked3Shopping1Shot Down4
Shout1Shouting2Sick daymageddon1
Sidebar1Silver Tongue6SilverBlossom2
Skeptical1Sketch9Sketch Week8
Sliders Needed1slime2Slime Bait1
Slime Bunnies1Slimes1Smart Phone17
Smooth Like Rocky Road1Smooth...1Smug17
So Close Yet So Far1So?1Sofia7
Solutions1Some Things A Man Has To Handle1Someone's Little World Just Got Rocked1
Sonic3Spelling Error1SPIDER1
Spring Break5Spring Dane1springs?1
Spy Fantasy1Stage Zero1Stalking7
Starry-Eyed7Start of Something1Startled1
Status Quo1Stay Down1Step 4: Profit!1
Step-mom1Steven Universe4Stick to the Plan1
Storytime1Strangely Logical1Strategy1
Stress2Stubborn4Subject Change1
Success2Suck Vac1Suffer the Consequences1
Sulking1Sup Beer1Super Books N Beer Bros1
Super Hero1Surely You Can't Be Serious1Surprise9
Surprised1Surprisingly Dark1Suspicion4
Sweating Bullets3Swift Fox1tail poof24
Tail twitch2Tail Wag2Takes after his father1
Taking a Shot1Taking A Stand4Talk4
Taxi1Tea1Team Trifecta5
Tenuous Team Alliance5Tera4Terence2
That Bat Has Claimed Countless Lives1That Time We Were All Dogs1That's kind of important!1
That's my brother!1That's Not A Good Sound1The Albino Did It2
the Anti-Frankenstein Equation2The Beginning1The Blue Room16
The courage to get back up1The Devil Has Bunny Ears1The Difference Between Couldn't and Shouldn't1
The good kind of crazy1The Mischief Man8The Power of Love1
The School is Insane1The Search Continues1The Student Has Become the Master1
The Tail Gives It Away1The Trust Thing Came With Time1The Truth Comes Out1
thin lines1Things Not Going to Plan1This Is Not The Cat You Are Looking For1
Thumb Lock1Time Travel3Time-out Corner1
Timeline 42D1Tiny Fang13Tiny Heart10
Tiny Sparkles1Tiny Star1Tipper47
Tired5TMI2To the Dorpes House We Go1
truth1Trying to Adapt2Trying to Make It Work1
Turning Point1tutor1Tutoring1
Twix5Two-timing1Typical Brisbane1
UFO Romance5Ulterior Motive1Uncomfortable1
Unhappy1Unhappy Customers1Unimpressed1
Unintended Consequences1Unlike Minerva1Unlike Minerva Reference1
Unreasonable Expectations1Unwise1Up All Night1
Violent Nature2Voice of Reason3Waffles1
Wait what!?1Wait!1Wait...what!?1
Waving1weird4Welcome to the Grind1
Well Done Young Grasshopper1WereSlime Bunnies2Wham!1
What's The Fun In Making Sense?1Whispers1Window Shop Relationship1
Witty Comeback1Woman Scorned1Woman Up1
Wonderkittens1Worked Up1Worried2
Worry41Wounds1Wrestling Move1
Wrong Breakfast1XTREM CAR!1Ye Olde X-Mas Booze1
Yeah Shakespeare1You Have No Idea1You keep using that word3
You were saying?1You're Not You When You're Hungry1Young2
Your Overconfidence is Your Weakness1

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